Monday, January 1, 2007

Monday 1 January - Boston

A day of shopping in Macy's and the Gap with Libe, and then a feed at a nearby Italian restaurant. As you may have read in Lawson's blog, the feeds here are massive, so much so that I noticed most people in this restaurant received foam containers at the end of their meals, to pack the leftovers in for a trip to the home fridge.

Now, I am going to admit something that you are likely not to hear from me again. Yes, for one day, 1 January 2007, I actually didn't think about Australian Rules Football. I promise not to do it again, Milka. It only dawned on me the following day, when I subsequently read half a book on John Harms' boyhood following the GFC.

Discussions about the local sporting teams - the Celtics (NBA Basketball for the unaware) and the Bruins (MLB Baseball) - has brought about nothing but criticism. Perhaps they need a Brian Cook review too. I didn't mind as it would make my life easier to get tickets. The TD Banknorth Arena where both teams play is only a 10 minute walk away from the apartment, thus I can see myself there a few times.

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