Sunday, December 31, 2006

31 December 2006 - Boston

New Years Eve & also Jarrod's b'day - happy b'day bro.

Drifted around the Boston inner city when we finally got our bums into gear today. Walked down to Boston Common, a large park in the city, which was packed today. People were arriving here in droves to settle in to countdown the New Year, even though it was just plain freezing (even colder than anything I'd previosuly experienced while watching footy at Waverley). All in all, the Common is a lovely little area, complete with a very popular ice skating rink, and a half-frozen pond. I should have take a few pics today but didn't, and regret it. I'll get some pics of the Common up here soonish. The rest of our drift took us through the Financial District and through Chinatown.

The night was spent first at the house of Abi's brother in a outer suburb called Watertown, which was white with snow, from where we moved onto a bar in Harvard Square. More beers with a good crew, including Ab and her housemate Liz.

And while on the subject of beers: the two different beers in this picture are a Bud Light and a Budweiser. Bud Light is not what you would think it is: it's not low alcohol, its low carbs. Both beers - and American beers in general I've found - don't carry anywhere near the same taste as the Aussie beers (there's certainly no aftertaste), and leave you nowhere near as bloated as a Calrton Draught or a VB might do. I feel as though you could drink 20 of them of not feel bloated at all, something unfamiliar. Thus, I've been having a few Stella Artois to experience something a little stronger than the US stuff.

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